中国香港水木源创设计顾问有限公司(简称SMY) Hongkong Shuimuyuan Originality and Design Consulting (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SMY) SMY是一家专业设计机构,总部位于中国香港。SMY中国香港、深圳设计机构分别拓展欧洲、东南亚市场,成都设计机构以内陆市场为主,旗下包括:酒店设计事务所、商业综合体设计事务所、地产规划设计事务所、软装设计事务所、园林规划设计事务所。洽谈电话:(赵先生) 洽谈 SMY is a professional design organization whose headquarter is in Hongkong. The European and Southeast Asian market are respectively developed by Hongkong and Shenzhen SMY design organizations. Chengdu design organization is mainly responsible for the inland market, including hotel design office, commercial complex design office, real estate planning and design office, soft decoration design off..